Account Access for Incoming Students

When do new incoming students get accounts?

Accounts are created in stages as you progress through the steps prior to matriculation: Admitted, Accepted and Registered.

Admission Status What you can access What you CAN do at this stage What you CAN'T access yet
You have been admitted to your degree program. You are still considering whether to attend Downstate.
  • NetID account
  • Log into the Banner student information system (if you have a financial aid package to consider)
  • Email
  • Brightspace
  • Microsoft Office
  • Campus WiFi
You have accepted a spot in your program by paying a deposit
  • Email
  • WiFi access
  • Log into email, configure your password self-service
  • Download and install Microsoft Office
  • Connect your laptop, tablet and phone to campus WiFi
  • Access courses on Brightspace
You have registered in Banner for at least one course
  • Courses in Brightspace
  • After you register for a course, daily automation enrolls you into that course's site in Brightspace. Note that you can see them listed but will not be able to enter courses until they become available during Preview Week (one week before scheduled start of classes).
  • Access courses in Brightspace before the semester starts.
  • Access begins one week before the course starts (Preview Week)

How long do accounts remain active after graduation?

  • Email accounts: three months
  • Microsoft 365 License: three months
  • Banner Self-Service login: one year

You will receive a reminder as the graduation date approaches.