Requesting Accounts for New Faculty or Academic Staff

Teaching faculty (full-time, part-time or adjunct hired to teach one or more courses) will receive NetID, email, Brightspace and Banner accounts. A Banner account is required for automation to create their Brightspace account.

Academic support staff may also need Brightspace and Panopto accounts if they are to support course materials/activities online using those systems.

Your degree program administrator must file requests to create your accounts as follows:

Step 1. Complete Compliance Training

Step 2. Request NetID, email and Brightspace Accounts

  • Download and complete the Network and Application Access form, then submit it to the HelpDesk to create the accounts.  You can submit it by creating a ticket at or as a file attachment to an email sent to

  • Once they have created the NetID and email account, Helpdesk will email account information and basic instructions with subject "Welcome to Downstate" to the direct supervisor requestor who filed the ticket. It is the supervisor's responsibility to then securely transmit this information to the user.

  • NOTE: This form is accessible via Intranet only

Step 3. Banner Access

Your administrator must email the Registrar's Office with a request to assign the instructor to their course in Banner.  Include:

  • full name

  • phone number

  • outside email address

  • course information for the upcoming course(s) that you will be teaching including:

    • semester
    • course subject code and number
    • title
    • section

Once the instructor is assigned to the course in Banner, daily automation will create a Brightspace account and enroll you into the course in Brightspace.