Copying Entire Course Folders in Panopto


If you have access to your older course folders in Panopto, it's possible to copy the entire contents over to your new course folder in one step.

Log into Panopto and enter the course folder you wish to populate with sessions from a previous semester. Click on the Settings icon settings icon or the folder at the top-right of the window.

In the dialog box that appears, scroll down to the Course Video Copy section. 

Image of Course Video Copy dialog box

Click the option Choose source folder, and browse for the folder containing the videos you wish to copy over. Click Begin folder copy to start the transfer process (this may take a few minutes to complete).

Note: If you need access to your previous course recordings, send a request to Make sure to include the course number (e.g., BIOS 1234), title and semester code (e.g., 24FA).