You may also choose to register for / watch the D2L training webinars. See information on the main Training page.
User Interface Home and Course layout, the Minibar and Navbar tool icons and more.
Creating Content Using the Course Builder tool and document templates to quickly build your course; adding files and other items.
Communication Tools How Instant Chat, Email, Announcements, Notifications and Activity Feed work
Gradeable Activities Set up and use Assignments, Discussion Forums, Quizzes and Question Pools
Gradebook Use the Setup Wizard; learn key features of the Gradebook; connect items in the course to a grade column.
Universal Design for Learning How to apply Universal Design principals to courses
Accessibility Make your course content available to as many users as possible with or without assistive technology
You can also access these and other webinars at SUNY's DLE website. Log in with your NetID, then click on the Training link and select Webinars from the drop-down list.