Printing on Campus with PHAROS

PHAROS Print Cards

Printing is available in the Medical Research Library and Advanced Learning Resource Center. The print jobs from all computers in the Library and LRC are sent to assigned laser printers where paper and toner are replenished by library staff.

There is a fee for all printing in the Library and the LRC. The service uses a Debitek card that costs $1.00 and may be purchased at one of the machines available on the first floor of the Library or in the ALRC. The cost for printing is $0.15 per page for black and white and $0.75 per page for color printing. Instructions are available at all workstations and print stations.

Photo of a Debitek Card

When you print from a public terminal, a dialog box will appear; use it to name your print job. It will be placed in a print queue on the campus network. You can print it from any print station in the Medical Research Library for the next 4 hours.

The library staff is committed to supporting end-user searching and document processing activities, which are directly related to curricular assignments, school programs, or Downstate-endorsed student writing or graphics projects. Neither staffing nor equipment configuration has been arranged to meet the needs of customized or personalized printing.

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