Enrolling Faculty Into Your Course

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What You Should Know Before You Begin

  • YOU CANNOT ENROLL STUDENTS. As per academic policy, faculty are not allowed to enroll students into their courses.
  • INSTRUCTORS ASSIGNED IN BANNER ARE AUTOMATICALLY ENROLLED. Automation enrolls faculty into a Brightspace course if they are assigned to that course’s record in Banner as the principal or secondary instructor.
  • YOU CAN ENROLL OTHER FACULTY. Faculty already enrolled in a Brightspace course with Instructor rights have the ability and responsibility to add other instructors.

"Cascading" Access To All Courses in a Program

Degree program chairs/directors and their key administrative staff have “cascading” access to all courses in their degree program/school.

To keep their course lists from becoming bloated and unusable, these "superusers" don't automatically see all of these courses. Follow the steps below to search for a course and enter it. Once inside, you have Instructor rights: you can enroll other faculty, upload materials and the like. Note that someone with "cascading" access to a course does not show up on a course roster, however, and they cannot be manually added to a course. Once you search and locate the course, you can use the Pin feature to keep a particular course at the top of your list while you need easy access.  Unpin it once you are done.

Okay, let’s go!

Use the Course Selector to Search for a Course

NOTE: Only users with “cascading” rights — degree program chairs, for instance — can access courses where they are not already enrolled.  

Click on Course Selector — the icon of nine squares arranged in a grid.  You’ll find it located at the top right on the Brightspace header.

Click on Course Selector

This will drop down a list of courses where you are enrolled.  Find your course on the list and click on it to enter it. If you have “cascading” rights to access all your degree program’s courses — for example, you are a degree program chair — then use the directions below to locate and access any course.

Enter your search terms. In the example below, the year/term code “22FA” is included to restrict the resulting list of courses to those in a particular term.

Enter your search terms

Locate your course in the list of results and click on it to enter it.

Locate your course

Add Other Faculty to a Course

Once inside the course, click on Roster.

Click on Roster

This brings you to the Roster/Classlist page. Do not use the empty Search box on this page to look for people to add to your course! That box searches the existing list of enrolled users.

Roster/Classlist page

Here’s how to open the Search feature to look for people who aren’t already in your course:  

Click on the blue Add Participants button, then click on Add Existing Users from the drop-down.

Blue Add Participants button

click on Add Existing Users

Enter a name in the Add Existing Users search box and then click on the magnifying glass (or hit Enter on the keyboard) to look for other faculty to add. A number of search option checkboxes are displayed and selected by default. You can use the Hide Search Options button to hide them for simplicity. Usually you can locate someone by first or last name.  

Add Existing users search box

You may need to scroll down below the search options to see the results of the search.

To add the user: Check off the checkbox to the left of the name to select the user.

Click on the Roles list and select Instructor.

Click on the Section list and select the section. Usually there is only a single section listed. If your course is a merged one, more than one section will appear; select the appropriate section. The faculty will member will have access to the main/parent section.

Click on the Section list and select the section

Click on Enroll Instructor at the bottom of the page to complete adding a faculty user.

You may use the Add More Users button on the next page to repeat the process and enroll more faculty into this course/section.

Add More Users button