Setting Up an Assignment Folder in Panopto

  • Panopto has a built-in function that allows students to upload their own content. 
  • To activate an assignment folder, click the Settings icon (settings icon) for your course's Panopto folder and select the Create Assignment Folder option.

Image of the Settings dialog box in Panopto

  • A folder will be generated with the naming convention YOUR_COURSE_NAME [assignments]. You can rename the assignment folder by clicking on its Settings icon and selecting Name > Edit

Name edit dialog box

  • To allow students to view each others uploaded content, click the Setting tab in the side menu and check the Allow viewers to see each other's sessions option.

Allow viewers to see each other's sessions checkbox

  • To close the assignment folder and prevent further uploads, click the Settings icon (settings icon) for your course's Panopto folder and select the Close option.